One of our most popular signature procedures, the Laser-Assisted Weekend Neck Lift™ creates impressive results with minimal downtime. Register for our upcoming webinar to learn more.
Laser-Assisted Weekend Neck Lift™

Webinar with Ross A. Clevens, MD FACS
Meet Clevens Face and Body Specialists in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience, with our Look & Feel Your BEST! Series of educational webinars.
During this complimentary Virtual Seminar, you’ll learn from our Founder Harvard-trained Facial Plastic Surgeon Ross A. Clevens, MD, FACS as he discusses the popular facial rejuvenation procedure he created, the Laser-Assisted Weekend Neck Lift™. Dr. Clevens answers the questions patients most often ask him, including:
- What is the Laser-Assisted Weekend Necklift™?
- Who is a good candidate for the Weekend Necklift™ procedure?
- How long do results last?
- Where is the Weekend Necklift™ performed?
- What is the recovery like?
- What is the cost of the Weekend Necklift™?
- Where are the incisions placed? Will my scars be visible?
- What are alternatives to the Weekend Necklift™?
- What procedures are usually combined with Weekend Necklift™ for best results?
At the conclusion of the webinar, you'll have an opportunity to schedule your private 1:1 consultation with any of our Specialists, virtually or in-person, as our gift to you! ($95 Value)
To get started, register below.